Now you too can embed images in your blog

A blog isn’t a blog without images.

Readers like to look at pictures and they can even boost your searchability through Google, so your blog should have at least one image. Indeed, your mark on your blog assignment will go down if you don’t have at least one image.

So here is a short intro on how to embed images into your posts:

Step 1: Decide on an image and where you want it to go. It’s usually best to have a few lines of text above your first image.

Step 2: Place your cursor approximately where you want the image to go.

Step 3: Upload the image to WordPress by clicking on the “plus” sign in the WordPress menu and choosing “Add Media.” Choose the blue “Add New” button if you haven’t already uploaded the image to WordPress.

Step 4: Choose the blue “Add New” button if you haven’t already uploaded the image to WordPress.

Step 5: Click “INSERT.” To place the image artfully on your page, click it and choose how you want your text to wrap around it. You can resize it by clicking the “-” or “+” signs.

Step 6: By clicking the callout icon, you can cite your source. Just copy and paste the URL into the caption box.


About teachingteacher

Business communications instructor, journalist, corporate communications writer and media trainer ... and Masters Candidate M.Ad.Ed.
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