Now you too can create gorgeous hyperlinks

chain linksDo you dread all things technical?

Well, do not fear because I’m here to show you how to create hyperlinks in your blog posts.  I will not only show you how to do this, I will provide a link to a site that will give you instructions so that you can later follow its steps on your own time.

Step 1: Decide what word(s) you want to turn into hyperlinks and highlight it/them.

Step 2: Find the site that you want to link to.

Step 3: Copy the URL of that site.

Step 4: Click the chain icon in the WordPress menu bar.

Step 5: In the window that opens, paste the URL of the site that you want to link to.

Step 6: Close the window. You now have a hyperlink.

Or you can review similar instructions on this WordPress support page.

About teachingteacher

Business communications instructor, journalist, corporate communications writer and media trainer ... and Masters Candidate M.Ad.Ed.
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