Who the heck is Frank Armstrong?

Frank Armstrong is a full time business fundamentals professor at St. Lawrence College who also runs WordStrong Consulting, a writing, editing and media relations business.

Frank is a lifelong adventurer who began his journalism career as a freelance writer specializing in travel off the beaten path in Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia.

After more than a decade as a multiple award-winning daily newspaper reporter in the U.K. and Canada, Frank joined St. Lawrence College in September 2008. He has written for a number of national publications, including the Globe and Mail newspaper and Canadian Living and Computing Canada magazines. Frank also specializes in writing for public relations and marketing and dabbles in career strategy, including executive resumes and CVs.

Frank lives to connect and inspire.

16 Responses to Who the heck is Frank Armstrong?

  1. Ahmad Salman says:

    Hey Frank,

    Good to see your site, I loved the piece on one on one interviewing, when I started teaching at St Lawrence College in 2009, this is what I did with two sections of the OB class I was teaching, and it really brought depth to the over all experience.

    Good work, keep it up

    Ahmad Salman

    • Salman! It’s great to hear from you! Yes, I recall your interviewing exercise. It may have provided some of my inspiration for my planned endeavor. Logistics and time will definitely be the biggest challenge here. Please let me know what you are up to. I am sure you are inspiring many students with your passion for innovative teaching. I miss our always inspiring chats.

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  7. Shirley Turcotte says:

    I am loosing access to my grandchildren over this very issue..My only son’s family is moving to Toronto to help eventually secure a position for my daughter-in-law.. likely outside of academia. Both my son and daughter are Phd’s.. both will likely not be working as Professors.. and are leaving B.C. because University Sessionals are so poorly paid and have NO JOB Security what so ever. Heartbreaking for families after all the monies poured into education. The quality of teaching under that kind of pressure is not helpful to students. They are not getting what they have paid for. Professors that are overworked, underpaid and stressed out do not deliver the attention and care that students deserve. All around this is not a good deal for all concerned. NIce to see you Frank…

  8. I’m sorry to hear it, Shirley. I’m not sure how good things are in Ontario. I have a number of friends who teach on contract at Queen’s University here in Kingston who are doubtful that they will ever secure tenure even though they are experts in their fields.

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